Belated posting on my Day 16 Buns workout, sorry guys we do a Taco Tuesday GoT combo in this house and I was lucky to have enough time for my work out. Buns was a good workout that I feel will only get better as I become more familiar with the routine and am able to be more comfortable with the flow.
Side Bar: It was an absolutely beautiful day here so I got to take Davey out to the backyard for the first time, hanging out on our blanket in the yard, it was amazing! Short lived though as I was worried about burning his pale baby butt, I will have to get used to that I’m sure my skin will thank me as well.
Today’s workout, Day 17, was Core again. This gets better every time as I get more confident in the movements. I was even able to do my PiYo Pike! (On my right side that is, when I switched to the left I messed up and kept crossing my ankles the wrong way making it incredibly difficult.)
Confession time, todays workout was exceptionally hard for me, but it was my own fault. Davey had his 4 month vaccinations today so I decided to help myself deal with the crabby baby by treating myself to even more tacos from this amazing spot “Taco Grille and Salsa Bar” out in Westmont, IL. Well, I definitely overindulged and put myself into a food coma where I napped with Davey all afternoon. I was only awoken by a friend calling and my work out buddy showing up…talk about a tough work out. I’m still proud of myself for pulling through and not only sticking to it but pushing myself even further through some of the poses.