PiYo Day Eight/Nine (Sweat): *Belated Posting*

Sweat was sooo much harder when you pair it with 78 degree weather and a living room full of carpeting, I feel like we will be moving to the basement shortly.  Sorry to keep this section brief I am exhausted.

I have been a little overwhelmed recently, I don’t know if it is work or home but things have just started piling up around me.  I figured this would be one of the largest obstacles I faced as I took on a “transformation challenge,” where the hell would I find all this extra time?  Well, sure as shit it caught up to me and I fell off the wagon.  I wish I could say I am one of those people that has a small hiccup but then gets back to it, but I am the other type.  I am the type that says, “well, I already messed up there so why not go ahead and do this other thing (also detouring from my overall objective).”  It is a pretty terrible cycle that if left unchecked can seriously derail any plans I may have had.

It started with just pushing off this blog post, nothing major, I just wanted to relax into my “Friday” (this was actually a Monday…life in healthcare), so I put off posting saying I would do it this morning.  Of course this morning came and Davey decided that he needed 100% of my attention.  I was working on prepping a dozen healthy breakfast muffins I could then freeze to replace the sodium filled preservative laced breakfast sandwiches I had been having, I got 10 minutes into the prep work with Davey napping soundly in his swing before he absolutely lost it.  I tried transferring him to his carrier, this lasted another 10 minutes thankfully just enough time for me to get them in the oven, but blogging was out of the question. 

We spent the afternoon roaming the town soaking up the beautiful weather but by the time I realized it the poor baby had only napped two hours all day!  Naturally he spent the whole next hour screaming at me in the car.  By the time I got home it was just easier to have a glass of wine and run out to a quick dinner with my husband while my mom watched Davey for an hour.

I do have a plan, it will suck, but I will have to make up todays missed work out this Friday instead of taking the rest day, that is called taking your lumps.  All I can do is try and be better tomorrow.