I honestly don’t know whether I should be more proud of myself or Chalene for this workout. I am absolutely exhausted, now I have been sick for most of this week which may play into it but I am definitely sleeping well tonight (pending Davey allowing it of course). This workout had my ass and abs on fire for the first 15 minutes then finished off strong with a whole lotta push ups to burn out my arms. I was definitely sticking with Michelle my favorite modifier this session!
A moment of truth, I was not my smartest self during this workout. I was pretty orthostatic through the entire program, meaning every time I went from my head below my knees to standing I had a momentary “black out”. We do this move a lot in the program and it was very hard to keep up. I probably should have stopped working out but I am used to dealing with these episodes as I generally have very low blood pressure so after it happened a third time I began to modify heavily. I have three theories on why this was such a problem for me today:
1) I did not drink enough water throughout the day, I was swamped at work and did not even realize until I was in the car on the way home how thirsty I was.
2) I did take an Alka-Seltzer to try and combat being sick, this type of medication always makes my head a little funny
3) I have been getting less sleep this week as Davey is going through a growth spurt and eating almost every two hours throughout the day and night.
My take home point is I shouldn’t have and neither should anyone else workout if they are experiencing these symptoms. I could have very easily fallen and hurt myself or my workout partner and no one needs that, working out it hard enough! I am grateful for tomorrows rest day, and am making a commitment to myself to take better care of my body.