PiYo Day Three (Define Upper Body)

PiYo Day Three and Portion Fix for Dinner

Overall, I am feeling pretty good today.  My legs feel just fine and my core is still screaming, not surprised.  After having Davey I have noticed my core really is my biggest obstacle.  As they say “proximal stability leads to distal mobility” meaning without a strong and stable base ultimately you can not develop muscles further from your core.

You are no stronger than your weakest point.  This is why PiYo is the perfect program for me, with its emphasis on stabilizing exercises and poses found in yoga and the heavy focus on training your core muscles found in pilates this program truly addresses all of my weakest points.  I originally wanted to go back to T25, a program that has been very successful for me in the past, but I needed something a little easier on my joints after pregnancy.

I was a little confused at how heavy this workout focussed on core initially, so much that 10 minutes into the workout we had to pause to check and make sure we had actually chosen the correct video.  We did, and we definitely got it that final half of the work out…my poor triceps, that final bonus set was absolutely brutal, thank you Chalene!

On a brief side note, we decided to try the “Black Pepper Shrimp” recipe from the Fixate Portion Fix cookbook…ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!  Now, we both love food and really enjoy making dinner together so I was very skeptical about using one of these recipes.  I am so happy I gave it a go, they were so yummy!  I can not wait to try another recipe.

“Black Pepper Shrimp” from Portion Fix Fixate Cookbook

Go Team BeachBody!